Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone

I hope you all had a good Christmas day, and as Don would say "I hope Santa came in your stocking" 

So you were all out there taking photos of this snow we have, right? 

Who here is tired of shoveling snow, raise your hand! *Holds both hands up* I know I am... Well, enjoy it while we have it, that's about all we can do. I've taken some picts of the snow, but have not had the time to download as of yet, perhaps tonight when I get home. 

Hope everyone has a great New Years too, remember to be safe, if you are at a party have a safe ride home if you have been drinking. 


Monday, December 15, 2008

Who doesn't like a whole neckstrap?

Raise your hand, if you're like me, and not a fan of a whole neckstrap on your camera... Well today might be your lucky day.
I recently found this product at the store, it is the SafeGrip Strap made by Camera Armor, who have brought us many cool accessories. But this has to be the coolest of them all in my opinion.
The SafeGrip can be used by itself and attaches to the lug where your strap attaches to the camera, or how I have mine set up, and attaches to the existing half strap and then goes around your wrist. (Pictured here)
It is available by itself for $19.99 or with the full ToughStrap (neckstrap) for $39.98 at Kerrisdale Cameras, and likely many other Photographic Retailers.
Tis a great little stocking stuffer for any photographer, as it makes it just a little safer for us to hold on to, without it falling, or a little more secure from someone just grabbing our cameras and running off when it is firmly attached to us.
I was photographing a full day wedding with it the just this past Friday, and I found it to be very comfortable, as it is made from breathable material. And for the most part... not in my way, there was one or two times where I kind of found it annoying, but that is just working it into my workflow and how I do things; I expect within no time I will get over those issues and work things differently to accommodate the SafeGrip Strap.
I call this a 5-star product, and highly recommend it for anyone, whether you are using it with an existing neckstrap, halfstrap or just on it's own; with or without the ToughStrap.
I hope you all had a good weekend, and good shooting to you all.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thank you

I want to thank all of you that took the time to come out last night to the Kerrisdale Cameras Open House, while the total number of people that came was not large, the crowd that did come, most of them stayed for the whole night. Granted we were a tad hard to find... I promise for more signage for the next one in the spring sometime. 

However, we were told by almost everyone that came was very pleased with the informal teaching that went on. 

The big topics of the night was Sensor Cleaning, and Wireless Flash photography.

Congratulations to Don Cardinal for winning the Custom Colour gift certificate, and to John Saremba for winning the Arctic Butterfly Brite, in the door prizes. And every Canon user that came in walked out with a Canon EF Lens Book courtesy of Canon Canada

Thank you to Wayne (store manager), and Linda (head office) for both of their efforts into pulling this off.

And thank you to my counterpart Richard for his assistance. 

As I said, we will be doing this about 2 times a year from now on, Spring & Fall; so we are interested in knowing what you want to hear about, and what you want us to bring in for you. 

So feel free to email us at the store:  or email me directly at: 

And again, Thank you to all that attended. 


Friday, December 5, 2008

Resurrected from the depths

Greetings all

My name is John, and I am going to be the new blogger here for the TriCity Photography Club; as I have taken it over from the creator of it and member at large, Glen. 

It is my intention to attempt to make a posting here at least once a week, but there will be times where I will not be able to get to it, and there will be times where you won't be able to shut me up. 

I will make this available for others to post to (via me), and pass along information and posts about Club events, or just cool to know information for our local area. 

The TriCity Photography Club is located in the Port Moody Secondary Drama room on the Second and Forth Mondays of each month, the club email is: if you wish to address the club in general, and not directed at anyone in particular. 

If you are looking for the crew in charge, Jonathan Allen is the club President this season, and can be reached at:

And John Roberts (Moi) is the club Vice-President, and I can be reached at:

Eric & Antoinette share the duties of the club treasury, sometimes Eric is away, and Antoinette fills in, or vice-versa. 

We have about 40 regularly active members, but with a total membership of about 50, but are always welcome to more, and we have a vast range from the very new to photography to the Semi-Professional, and all that lays between those. We are very orientated to a hands on approach, and there are lots of 'Bring your gear' nights where we have shooting during the meeting. 

We also have a 'Trash the Dress' event planned for the spring. Before that even, there will be a Strobist night at the club, where we will be teaching members how to use their flashes to the best of their ability, all in preparation for this 'TTD' shoot. 

Next week on Thursday Dec 11 th, Kerrisdale Cameras in Coquitlam Centre will be hosting an Open House night for the local photo clubs, and I will be there helping host it. (As I am a part time employee of Kerrisdale Cameras) 

The purpose of the Open House is for a chance to get to know the Kerrisdale staff a bit better, and to also your hands on the latest and greatest, give it a decent test. We're not doing this solely for sales to you, Wayne and I were talking about just getting the local clubs use to coming to see us for any questions that they may have, and not to have to go all the way into Vancouver to Leo's or Beau to get the good advice. 

I will be putting on a routine maintenance demo for DSLR care, which will include sensor cleaning, and a wireless flash demo. Richard will be putting on a demo or two as well. 

Wayne will be running back and forth from the store to room we have rented in Coquitlam Centre, he is our official Door Greeter. ;-) 

Wow... from club info to shameless KCL plug... ANYWAY. 

I am looking forward to blogging for you all, and if you have anything you wish to share with the rest of the club (and the world) through our blog here, email me at my above mentioned email, and I will post it for you. 

Also be sure to check out our Flickr group as mentioned in a previous post, we have a strong membership on Flickr, but it can always get stronger. 

In the next few days I will be posting about my week I had with the Nikon D90, that the rep was kind enough to lend to me for a week to give it a good solid test. 

Cheers and good shooting