Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the Wedding Guy

I would like to thank Bob Moore, and Pat Kirkwood of the Wedding Guy who came out and showed us some basics of off camera flash photography last night (Monday March 23, 2009). We had a great turn out, and we had a great presentation, and I think in all everyone learned a few things.
I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation; and thought it was a great starting point as a lead in for our next meeting, which is a week early, just to remind everyone, it is to be held on April 6th, as the 13th lands on a long weekend, and the room will not be available to us.
So the next meeting on April 6th, is a hands on flash photography meeting; bring your cameras, flashes, lightstands and lighting modifiers if you have any.
I will first run through a couple of my favorite lighting set ups when I am on the job, (Yes that is right, I am going to be showing you my actual work flow techniques when I am shooting a wedding or portrait) that are super easy to set up and to use; after that short intro we will then break up into some smaller groups, and practice our Flash Photography, ala: Strobist style.
If you are not sure what Strobist style is, and would like to learn more before the next meeting, then check out the Strobist website. The Lighting 101 & 102 is good to run through any time, but it does take time and practice.
I look forward to this meeting, and hope I am able to teach you as much as Bob & Pat were able to teach you all.
Also Harry... I'll need your help on this one buddy. ;-)
John R.


jovo said...

The Strobist blog states its purpose ad one thing: "Learn how to use your off camera flash to take your photos to the next level"
I'll do my best to help, John

Tri-City Photography Club said...

Oh I am more than confidant that you will be able to help, I have seen your work, You are wll on your way to mastering it; even if you are relatively new to the field.